Introducing myself

Hi, I'm Monique van Boxtel and I live in the Netherlands. I'm 40 years old and I have a 12 year old son named Jari and a 10 year old son named Dennis. My interest in Lhasas started in 1988 when I met Gulio, an adorable male. I fell in love with him right away and made up my mind: I wanted a Lhasa too!

In 1989 I got my first bitch named Sinja. She looked a lot like Gulio, she was his half sister. She was a wonderful companion but not show quality. She was shown sparely and got some nice critiques, but never finished. She had one litter with me and she gave me 3 snow white bitches.

A few years later, I decided to start all over again with the original type. Chiyoko's To Be Continued (bred by Marie Allman) was my first full Hamilton Lhasa Apso, and another breeder gifted me Bo Continues Everglo. Many would follow over the years. At this moment Vesna Kranjc and I have established an excellent foundation here in Europe. Vesna and I will continue the Everglo lines, a result Gloria Fowler achieved dedicating her life to breeding the true Lhasa Apso.

Lhasas Apsos currently own and/or (co) owned are:

  • Sinja
    (Ch. Kail-La-Sha Tom-Tru x Silla-djo van Ebbink's Hoeve)

  • Dakota
    (Sinja x Draya's Atlantic-Dianan)

  • Mylhana
    (Sinja x Draya's Atlantic-Dianan)

  • Rowena
    (Sinja x Draya's Atlantic-Dianan)

  • Rockfordfosgate
    (Rowena x Chakpori's Love Joy)

  • Tismylukt
    (Rowena x Chakpori's Love Joy)


  • Chiyoko's To Be Continued
    (Ch. Chiyoko's Special Delivery x Tall Oaks Tibetan Treaure)

  • Ch. Chiyoko RA BMOC of Bo
    (Chiyoko's Wind B'Neath My Wings x Tall Oaks Tibetan Treasure)

  • Bo Continues Everglo
    (Everglo Dancing Flame x Everglo Yoplait Cream of Bo)

  • Kai-La-Sha Ku-Bo
    (Ch. Tabu's CL Spring Forward x Kai-La-Sha Amber)

  • Lamel Miracle of Bo
    (Kai-La-Sha Ku-Bo x Ch. Tramel Tista-Tu)

  • Ch. Everglo Anya of Bo
    (Everglo Nova Panchen of Bo x Nova Kora of Bo)
  • Everglo Kan-Da-Mo of Bo
    (Shigatse Everglo Zen-Pa x Shigatse Everglo Chelsea)
  • Wa Tsa-Mo Tong Hua of Bo
    (Ch. Tabu's Pure N’Simple Of Sodee x Chiyoko's To Be Continued)
  • Bo's J-Car's Sweet Revenge
    (Everglo Nova Nag-Po of Bo x Lamel Heaven Cent)
  • Everglo Bo Yamak-San-Mo
    (Everglo Jigme of Bo x Arkay Daili of Bo)
  • Bo Tanrag Mugpa Tong-Hua at Mo
    (Kai-La-Sha Cruise Control x Everglo Samada of Bo)
  • Everglo Bo Kolba Skamar at San-Mo
    (Kai-La-Sha Cruise Control x Everglo Samada of Bo)
  • Everglo Kace Mo Tong-Hua Bo
    (Everglo Terso of Bo x Everglo Dagpa of Bo)
  • Everglo Ceba Sola Mo Tong-Hua
    (Everglo Terso of Bo x Zoe Bo Everglo)

  • Everglo Tong-Hua Amrita Mo of Bo
    (Everglo Sharbo Cin Tsha of Bo x Nova Kora of Bo)

  • Everglo Tong-Hua Cara Mo of Bo
    (Everglo Lingo O'Robbees x Everglo Cleopatra of Bo)


Sinja, Mylhana, Rowena, Dakota, Rockfordforgate en Tismylukt were Lhasas which were down from the non pure lines. Non pure means that those Lhasa Apsos are offspring of the Shih Tzus which were imported from the UK and registered as Lhasa Apsos with the American Kennel Club. The line in between the names of the dogs indicates when I started all over again with the original type.



Meet my family:


Our cats:



   My extended family:

Please meet my sister!


Vesna lives in Celje, Slovenia, and is my little sister. We're always there for each other, we can have long, serious talks about life, but beware when we're together!! I love you little sis!!

Please meet my uncles!


Arnold and Larry live in Rothwell, Qld, Australia and are the most wonderful uncles you can imagine! I love you guys!!

Please meet my aunty...


Aunty Mumta lived in New Delhi, India. Sadly she passed away on June 5th, 2000, at 7:50 PM. She was such a caring person, so generous, and I miss her very much... Forever in my heart and thoughts, I love you Mumta!