Smooth Lowchen
By Lillian Spender, © 2001
My friend was looking to breed from a Lowchen that she had had for about a year, as she just loved the breed. She had never done any thing like this before, and so off she went and purchased a puppy from a breeder, not knowing (at that time what to look for) they sold her Bella. It was not long before she realised that Bella was a bit different and did not wish to breed from her. She did not want Bella to go back to the breeder, and as she was not going to keep her, started to look around for a home for her, I had nagged my husband to let me have her, he kept saying no, would you believe it he finally said yes.
I rang my friend to say so, but when I phoned to tell her, her daughter said that she had left home to take Bella to another friend of hers who was going to have Bella. As you can imagine I was quite upset, thinking that I had missed having her. So you can just imagine how shocked and surprised I was to see her on my doorstep about 2 hours later with Bella in her arms. Her friend had another dog who did not like Bella and so she would not leave her there, and as she was going on holiday in the next few days had landed on my doorstep to see if I could have her for a couple of weeks (hummm 6 years ago) I was so thrilled. And that is how Bella came into my life.
Bella was then about 3 / 4 months old. It was not long after that a name was put to her difference, she is a Flat or Smooth Coated Lowchen. She was a beautiful puppy and still is beautiful. She has a face that is a bit pointed, and her eyes are a little bit poppy. Her coat is very thick and quite short in places but underneath it is quite long. Her feet have again odd lengths of hair and she has toughs that grow quite long.
Her face has very short hair but around her ears the hair is longer. Her tail is most superb: the hair is long. Her hair is soft and silky, but when wet it is wavy even a bit frizzy on the longer lighter parts. She is black across her back and sides and is a honey brown which varies in depth. Underneath her body and her legs are the same honey brown, and under her tail she is honey brown, her face is the mix of black and brown (now a bit grey around the mouth and eyes). Bella sheds hair profusely in fact I had to buy a carpet rake so I could get it off the carpet. Which is NOT a Lowchen characteristic, as Lowchens do not shed their hair, and are known for being good for people with allergies. Bella has not changed colour.
She has a wonderful nature, and is a very gentle dog, even when you give her something she takes it gently. She is interested in what is going on but when she has looked and seen all is ok she will head off to one of her favourite spots.
Bella was breed when she was 2 years old, she had 4 puppies, 2 flat coats and 2 full coats, 3 boys and a girl (Louie, (the love of my life] Lu-Lu, Lofty, Lucky). All Ls for Lowchen or Lillian whichever. Lu-Lu and Louie where the full coats, all these puppies where pets only. I have kept Louie; Louie will be 4 years old on 9th May 2001 he has all the characteristics of a Lowchen; where Bellas do differ from your average Lowchen character. She is a dream pet, and it is my pleasure to be her mum.
Louie, Bella's son, two years old
Permission to publish this article was granted by Lillian Spender, Bellas mum.